We are excited to share with you the second round of roles from our two-part Natchez Trace films for which you can audition for at our second Mississippi casting call, September 21st in Vicksburg. Click here for audition details.

Also, below you will find sides to prepare for these characters. Production is estimated to take place in October/November of 2020 in Mississippi. The Natchez Trace films are told in chapters like Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction and the characters below would be considered supporting roles in their respective sections. On a case by case basis, some of these roles may be paid SAG scale and others will be for copy/credit only.

Please contact me at travismills@runningwildfilms.com with any questions.

The following portraits by Goya have been used not to show the exact physical look I am going for but to give an idea of the general type and attitude I see for the character.


Henry Scaggs

  • Age Range: 40 to 50
  • Henry Scaggs is a Kentucky Longhunter. He is passionate and committed, perhaps a little eccentric.
  • Please prepare both of these scenes: Henry Scaggs 1 and Henry Scaggs 2



Colonel Trabue

  • Age Range: 50 to 65
  • Colonel Trabue is a retired “Indian fighter”. He is weary from the days of war and has isolated himself away from civilization to seek a peaceful life with his son.
  • Please prepare the following scene: Colonel Trabue




  • Age Range: 25 to 35
  • George is a new settler who wants to stay out of the troubles in the frontier.
  • Please prepare the following scene: George