We are excited to share with you the first round of roles from our two-part Natchez Trace films for which you can audition for at our Mississippi Casting Call on July 21st. Click Here for all audition details.

Also, below you will find sides to prepare for these characters. Production is estimated to take place in October/November of 2020 in Mississippi. The Natchez Trace films are told in chapters like Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction and the characters below would be considered principal roles in their respective sections. The project will have a SAG Ultra-Low Budget status and these specific parts will be paid SAG scale for that budget level. Next week, we will release another round of supporting roles for the Natchez Trace films.

Please contact me at travismills@runningwildfilms.com with any questions.


Mike Fink


Annie Christmas

  • Paid
  • Age Range: 30-50
  • Tough, African-American Madame and Business Woman
  • Please prepare this scene: Annie Christmas Side 1


Big Harpe and Little Harpe

Big Harpe

  • Paid
  • Age 30 to 40
  • Six feet tall or taller. Preferably (but not required) “Tawny” appearance, dark curly hair.
  • Smart. Dominant. Tough. Sadistic.
  • Please prepare this scene: Big_Harpe Side 1

Little Harpe

  • Paid
  • Age 30 to 40
  • Five feet eight inches or shorter. Preferably (but not required): “Tawny” appereance, red hair.
  • More calculating and clever than his brother (who is quite smart).
  • Please prepare this scene: Little_Harpe Side 1