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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

This is the one of Sergio’s “Dollar Trilogy” that I’ve seen the least of, watching it only once decades ago when I was a teenager. So I remembered almost none of it and that was a refreshing experience.

My other reviews have made it clear that the Spaghetti Western style rarely works for me. Even the master of them, Leone, doesn’t move me much and my favorite of his films is the least regarded, DUCK YOU SUCKER. However, I did enjoy this screening of FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE if only for the music cues, the cinematography, and the dynamic between Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef. Their pairing is stronger here than in THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY; their tense partnership provides an entertaining foundation for the story that reminded me of Leone’s best work with Coburn and Steiger. The rest, story/action/villains, doesn’t do much for me. It’s over-stylized, over-dramatized, and lacking the thematic substance I seek in Westerns.

Watched on DVD.