The Detective’s Lover, Running Wild’s second feature film, premiered at Filmbar in Phoenix on June 29th to a sold out crowd. Just a week before we showed our first film The Big Something to another packed house with sixteen audience members in standing room only.
Lucky enough for us, Adam Moreno was there to take pictures of the event. The film is showing two more times at Filmbar: July 5th and July 12th. We will then release it online for stream/download on July 27th through this website. Here are the pictures:
The guys behind The Detective’s Lover.
Robert Edwards (Detective John D) and Renee Del Rosso (an extra in the Cougar bar scene)
Travis Mills (Director, Co-Founder of RW), Jeny Mills, and Gus Edwards (Director, Co-Founder of RW)
Some local female talent with Robert Edwards and Xavier Christian (who acts in RW’s The French Spy)