We are excited to announce the premiere of our movie Cornbread Cosa Nostra in Ocean Springs, Mississippi on May 18th at the The Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center of Arts and Education.

Our crime/dark comedy film based on the true events surrounding the Dixie Mafia will make its debut that Friday at 8:00pm. Select cast and crew will be present to meet and greet our audience.

Advanced tickets are available now for 15 dollars. They will be 20 dollars at the door. Get yours here: https://www.themaryc.org/copy-of-dixie-mafia

You can also find the Facebook event here.

Cast/crew and those who helped us make the film will receive a free DVD copy of the movie the night of the premiere. DVDs and other souvenirs from the film will be for sale.

Come celebrate the release of our latest Mississippi movie!