A unique collaboration is on the horizon for Running Wild Films and filmmaker Christin Easterling. “Across Crazy” is a slasher film that will be shot on a cross country journey from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, FL.
Easterling is driving her beloved Shonda the Honda (her first car) to Jacksonville where she will be retired and traded in for a new model. Easterling recognized the opportunity she has to connect with filmmaking friends during the journey and – in the same way that Running Wild doesn’t rest – make a film along the way.
Four days, four film crews, and one crazy director will bring “Across Crazy” to life. It’s the story of Chloe Dowski who is skeptical that a murderer may be following her. A trail of bodies follows her as she wonders if she will be next.
Recently, I had the chance to question Easterling about her involvement with Running Wild Films.
How did you and Travis Mills meet?
I met Travis via Skype a few weeks ago. We were introduced through a mutual filmmaker, Kirsten Nelson, when I told her about the project and asked her if she knew any awesome filmmakers between her city (San Antonio) and mine.
What keeps you going?
My drive. I don’t like wasting time. I need to keep working! Since a cross country trip is every bit of 8 days, I needed something that would make the time worth the effort. That and all the support I’ve been getting from each city’s director has been helping me a ton. Travis has really been behind me and pushing me from the beginning, which makes me want to work that much harder.
What is the future of Across Country?
I plan to submit it to several festivals and get it streaming through Netflix or something similar. I’m connected with LA Film Festival’s Director and have experience in distribution from working with a couple different companies in Cannes as well as at the American Film Market here in Santa Monica.
What’s your filmmaking background / education?
I earned my BA in Fine Art, so when I’m not making film, I’m making some other form of art. I consider myself art in motion and strive to be a good role model. I’m a stand-up and improv comedienne and will be competing for the title of Miss Manhattan Beach www.manhattanbeachpageant.com which is airing on the WE channel in July 2014. I also work at a couple of YMCA’s, building youth programs and teaching gymnastics and cheerleading.
“Across Crazy” has reached its fundraising goals on Kickstarter and will shoot over the course of May 21-May 31. Expect to see the final project premiere in LA and Jacksonville in spring 2015.
Check out this link for Travis Mills discussing his involvement in “Across Crazy.”