As Americans, our greatest weakness might be our inability to remember what happened two weeks ago. The news cycle is almost designed to make us forget. Our lives are also too busy, too full of information to retain what happened in the months or years before. That being said, as I followed the midterm elections with great interest I was overcome with a desire to remember reasons why I am not content with the current president and his administration. True, Biden is not literally on the ballot this November but in essence he is. The election next Tuesday is a referendum on his policies and the direction he and Congress, currently controlled by liberals, have taken the country. You could argue that Trump is figuratively on the ballot too but keep in mind that he and his party are not in charge. I think Mitch McConnell said it perfectly when asked what Republicans would do if they take back the House and Senate, “We’ll make sure Biden is a moderate.” And that’s what I’d like to see happen.
Therefore, here is what I don’t want to forget this coming Tuesday and maybe it will remind some of you, whichever side you’re on, of a few things too.
I’m not going to forget he ran and won because of running as a moderate but has governed as a left wing liberal.
I’m not going to forget he ran as unifier but has failed to make any gains of unification and has arguably further divided the country.
I’m not going to forget that when Americans needed jobs and energy most he immediately stopped production on the Keystone pipeline upon taking office.
I’m not going to forget that his first actions of “unification” were to issue a blistering number of executive orders undoing Trump era policies, some of them clearly beneficial for the country, setting the tone for his administration.
I’m not going to forget that he immediately went to war on American energy and has made it clear that he plans to end the use of fossil fuels with no clear, safe plan to transition to alternate energy.
I’m not going to forget that his messaging and policies have led to a border crisis, a practically open border.
I’m not going to forget that those border policies have allowed for potentially dangerous individuals including terrorists to enter the country undetected which could lead to disastrous events in the years to come.
I’m not going to forget that those border policies have led to a rush of fentanyl into the country which has caused the death of thousands of Americans.
I’m not going to forget that he falsely accused border patrol agents of whipping illegal immigrants when they were simply using the reins for their horses and has still refused to apologize for that false accusation.
I’m not going to forget his shameful mishandling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, his lack of foresight in that situation that could lead to more disastrous consequences for the world in the years to come.
I’m not going to forget that he did nothing, absolutely nothing, to deter the slow build-up of Putin’s forces along the border of Ukraine when there was clearly an imminent threat.
I’m not going to forget that he imposed no sanctions on Russia or took no significant action to stop the war in Ukraine until after Russia had already invaded.
I’m not going to forget that he has been slow to act on nearly every action involving the war in Ukraine, casting an image of American weakness throughout the world, which has only emboldened other enemies.
I’m not going to forget that he has delivered numerous confusing statements about America’s foreign policy and has consistently contradicted his own administration, demonstrating that he has very little control of his own government.
I’m not going to forget that he ignored and denied inflation was an issue until it was impossible to do so.
I’m not going to forget that he called a reporter a “stupid son of a b*tch” for asking a question on inflation.
I’m not going to forget that he tried to blame Putin for the rise in gas prices when gas prices had already risen significantly since he took office, a move that reveals what he thinks of the American people’s intelligence and memory.
I’m not going to forget that he was either unaware, in denial about, or completely incompetent in dealing with the baby formula shortage.
I’m not going to forget that he compared supporters of Georgia’s voting law to staunch racists.
I’m not going to forget that he has demonized a whole segment of the American public with his rhetoric about “semi-fascists”, completely misunderstanding the complexity and diversity of the conservative side.
I’m not going to forget that he failed to condemn the “defund the police” movement and only called for “funding the police” when it was convenient to do so after a crime wave had already swept over the country.
I’m not going to forget that he failed to condemn violent, destructive riots in the name of liberal movements and failed to raise alarm about an attempted assassination attempt on one of the Supreme Court justices.
I’m not going to forget that he may condemn election denial on the opposite side but has failed to acknowledge and condemn the members of his own party who propagate such theories.
I’m not going to forget that he chose a running mate and vice president who has been a complete and utter failure, a person who is unable to communicate and seemingly unable to do any good for the country.
I’m not going to forget that he has repeatedly lied and told complete fictions about his past.
I’m not going to forget that he has showed repeated signs of incapacity because of his age and his failing state of mind.
I’m not going to forget that he recently said, “No one f**ks with a Biden,” a statement that truly shows his way of seeing himself and the world, not to mention a statement that may come to haunt him.
And (if that wasn’t enough), I’m not going to forget that he recently claimed the economy was “strong as hell” while eating ice cream, a moment that says all that needs to be said about his awareness of the country and its people.