The Running Wild Blog
Articles on the craft of filmmaking and the films we create.MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of The Holdovers, Merry Friggin’ Christmas, and Mixed Nuts
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on three Christmas movies. THE HOLDOVERS (2023) Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars Alexander Payne is in top form again with THE HOLDOVERS, not his best or most poignant piece (ABOUT...
MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of Rob Roy and Robin Hood
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on two period pieces films I watched in reference to the series I'm currently producing. ROB ROY (1995) Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars I watched ROB ROY again for the most random...
MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of Being Human, Seize the Day, and Club Paradise
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on three films starring Robin Williams that I'd never seen before. BEING HUMAN (1994) Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars BEING HUMAN should be shown to every filmmaker as an example of how...
MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of The Outfit, The Sergeant, and Out for Justice
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on three films by John Flynn. THE OUTFIT (1973) Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars This is the fourth or fifth time I've seen John Flynn's THE OUTFIT and it remains one of my favorite...
MOVIE MONDAY: Review of The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on William Friedkin's final film, THE CAINE MUTINY COURT-MARTIAL THE CAINE MUTINY COURT-MARTIAL (2023) Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars William Friedkin's last film could never equal one...
MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of The Neverending Story, Kull the Conqueror, and Dungeons & Dragons
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on three films in the "Sword & Sorcery" subgenre. THE NEVERENDING STORY (1984) Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars It's hard to believe that it has been more than twenty-five years since...
MOVIE MONDAY: Review of The Killer
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on David Fincher's latest film, THE KILLER. THE KILLER (2023) Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars I keep reading in reviews and reactions online that THE KILLER is enjoyable but likely to be...
MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of Coogan’s Bluff and The Beguiled
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on two collaborations between Don Siegel and Clint Eastwood. COOGAN'S BLUFF (1968) Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Stars I'd never seen this Siegel/Eastwood collaboration. It was their first...
MOVIE MONDAY: Western Movie Reviews – Week 199 – And With Him Came the West
I am finally back to reviewing Western movies, which I will share now and then along with my other thoughts on films. For more of my movie reviews, click here to follow me on Letterboxd. This week focuses on a Western documentary about Wyatt Earp, early cinema, and...
MOVIE MONDAY: Reviews of Lock Up, Defiance, and Absence of the Good
My weekly movie reviews. You can also read these on letterboxd. This week focuses on three films by John Flynn. LOCK UP (1989) Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars I was surprised that this late-80s Stallone vehicle leans more into the drama than the action. Supported by...