I am excited to announce the third and final casting call for KILLIN’ JIM KELLY. Please read all details below.

The final casting call for KILLIN’ JIM KELLY, our Texas Western, will take place January 14th in Grapevine, Texas (address coming soon) from 10am to 5pm. It is an open call, meaning we will see as many actors as we can during those seven hours on a first come, first served basis. There will be a waiting area and we will call you to audition when it is your turn. There are no longer opportunities to send a taped audition so please do not ask.
There are nine characters available to audition for including roles for men, women and actors of various ethnicities. The compensation for all roles is $100 a day. This is a non-union film and we are aiming to schedule production during April of 2023 near Fort Worth, Texas.


Audition Instructions:

  1. Choose only one character to audition for.
  2. Download the sides below. Prepare and be as memorized as possible.
  3. Do not bring any props or accessories.
  4. You may bring a copy of your headshot and resume if you have one but it is not required to audition.
  5. If you have period wardrobe that fits the character, you are welcome to wear it for us to see.
  6. If you are interested in being an extra (non-speaking role) and have your own period wardrobe, email me a picture of you in your outfit(s) at travismills@runningwildfilms.com
  7. If you have any additional questions, email me at travismills@runningwildfilms.com



Missy Walker – Female, African-American, 20s to 30s, refined and beautiful. Click Here for Sides

Sally Walker – Female, African-American, 10 to 12 years old, sweet/innocent/insightful. Click Here for Sides

Will Walker – Male, African-American, 20s to 30s, hard-working farmer. Click Here for Sides

Ma Newkirk – Female, White, 70s to 90s, short/old and tough as nails. Click Here for Sides

Clergyman – Male, African-American, 40 to 70, African-American preacher who judges those that seek their own vengeance. Click Here for Sides

Barkeep – Male, White, 30 to 60, Prejudice bartender who tries to stay out of trouble in his rowdy saloon. Click Here for Sides

Barber – Male, White, 30 to 60, Effeminate barber with lots of wit and a sarcastic sense of humor. Click Here for Sides

Narrator/Elderly Woman – Female, African-American, 50 to 70, Aging African-American woman who tells the story through narration. Featured on screen in one scene. Must have a good voice for narration. Click Here for Sides

Cowboy – Male, White/Hispanic/Black/Native American, Multiple cowboy speaking roles are available in the film, all require horseback riding. Prepare these sides as Cowboy #1. Click Here for Sides