Director’s Notes: Movies Last Forever

Director’s Notes: Movies Last Forever

This photograph was taken by Alex Harris, @thesouthinanewlight, while making Son of a Gun. I remember riding with my dog Bandit in the back of Nick Fornwalt’s truck from one location to next on the Raymond battlefield thinking about the permanence of film. This...
Three Things I Learned from David Lean

Three Things I Learned from David Lean

I’ve always felt that it’s important for filmmakers to study filmmakers. If you like a movie, you should find out who directed it, then explore that director’s work, read interviews by them and watch any behind the scenes material you can find. You...
Three Things I Learned from Pakula

Three Things I Learned from Pakula

Filmmakers don’t read enough. There’s a shameful lack of curiosity in most of my peers. Why are they not pouring through the biographies and interviews of their favorite directors? Why do they not have subscriptions to the last remaining film magazines? We...