by Travis Mills | Oct 11, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
52 of 52: James Joyce’s The Dead Many consider James Joyce’s The Dead to be the greatest short story ever written. I agree. The story of a Christmas celebration, it is about family, culture, tradition, love, marriage, youth, gender and death. John Huston...
by Travis Mills | Sep 30, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
40 of 52: James Joyce’s Grace Many of Joyce’s stories concern alcoholism but Grace is unique in the way he matches that subject with religion. This is our 40th adaptation in our series of 52 short films we will make in 2013. You can read the story here....
by Travis Mills | Sep 26, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
37 of 52: James Joyce’s A Mother James Joyce’s A Mother portrays the way that parents control their children’s lives, an important subject for fiction in Ireland during his time and today in ours. You can read the story here. Keep checking back daily...
by Travis Mills | Sep 23, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
34 of 52: Ivy Day in the Committee Room This is the only true political film in our series of 52 and it comes from one of the most interesting and compelling studies of politics: James Joyce’s Ivy Day in the Committee Room. You can read the story here. Keep...
by Travis Mills | Sep 20, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
31 of 52: James Joyce’s A Painful Case James Joyce’s A Painful Case is in itself a case study of love come too late in life. It is a sad, tragic story and one that resonates for every generation. It is our 31st adaptation. You can read the story here. Keep...