by Travis Mills | Oct 4, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
45 of 52: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown Perhaps one of the greatest and certainly the most horrifying studies of religion, specifically Puritanism, ever put on paper, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story Young Goodman Brown has been long anthologized...
by Travis Mills | Oct 3, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
44 of 52: Guy de Maupassant’s The Thief The story of how rumor and fear can spread throughout a community leading to violence, Guy de Maupassant’s The Thief is our 44th adaptation and the second of his stories in our series of 52 films we will make in...
by Travis Mills | Oct 2, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
43 of 52: D.H. Lawrence’s The White Stocking Jealousy, love, sex, and anger: all common elements in D.H. Lawrence’s modern literature and featured in his short story The White Stocking which is my 43rd adaptation for our series of 52. You can read the...
by Travis Mills | Oct 1, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
42 of 52: Kate Chopin’s A Respectable Woman A Respectable Woman is the fourth and last Kate Chopin adaptation in our series of 52 films we will make in 2013. Like most of her stories it is a challenging portrayal of a woman caught between desire and duty. You...
by Travis Mills | Oct 1, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
41 of 52: Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Lodging for the Night Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the adventure classic Treasure Island which should be on every boy and girl’s bedside table. My grandfather once offered me ten dollars to read it. He wouldn’t...