by Travis Mills | Oct 13, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks
Last night our Kickstarter campaign to make 52 shorts in 52 weeks launched as we celebrated past and future work at FilmBar in Phoenix. The campaign runs for 52 days and our goal is to raise $10,000. Check out the campaign here: Kickstarter. Watch the video below:...
by Travis Mills | Oct 11, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
52 of 52: James Joyce’s The Dead Many consider James Joyce’s The Dead to be the greatest short story ever written. I agree. The story of a Christmas celebration, it is about family, culture, tradition, love, marriage, youth, gender and death. John Huston...
by Travis Mills | Oct 10, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
51 of 52: Herman Melville’s Bartleby Some might argue that Herman Melville is the great American writer. Such an argument has great weight with the three works to back it up: writer’s masterpiece Moby Dick, his brilliant novella Billy Budd, and his...
by Travis Mills | Oct 9, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
50 of 52: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Head and Shoulders I was excited to find a Fitzgerald story in the public domain. Many of the best stories from this century have yet to enter rights free status but this story Head and Shoulders is not only available but a great...
by Travis Mills | Oct 8, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
49 of 52: H.G. Wells’ The Country of the Blind The writer of such science-fiction classics as War of the Worlds and The Time Machine, Wells and Jules Verne practically pioneered the genre. I couldn’t help but want to dabble in it myself and I have chosen...
by Travis Mills | Oct 7, 2012 | 52 Short Films in 52 Weeks, Current Projects
48 of 52: Jack London’s A Piece of Steak I had to include Jack London in our series of 52 short story adaptations but his tales of survival in snowy landscapes were not the best choice to stage in the Arizona desert. Instead I picked A Piece of Steak, the story...