What’s Next for Running Wild Films?

Blog written by Holly Foreman Not the type to rest on its laurels, Running Wild Films is off and, well … running… again. While founder Travis Mills is on the road showing the Best of the F2 Films / 52 Weeks projects, other members of Running Wild are also keeping...

Running Wild Wins IFP 48 Hour Film Challenge

Left to right: James Alire (Sound), Jordan Gorla (Cinematographer), Webb Pickersgill (IFP), and Travis Mills (Director) The Running Wild Films team took home the top prize at the IFP 48 Hour Film Challenge this weekend for our film titled Shine Like Gold. Assembled by...

Phoenix Film Festival Submission

Today, Running Wild Films submitted Man/ Woman/ Motel Room to the Phoenix Film Festival. In a continued effort to make films in Arizona and build a base of Arizona filmmakers, we feel it important to contribute to the festival, which is still growing, getting larger...