Running Wild Retrospective: OFF TRACK

In celebration of more than five years as a film company, based in Arizona, we begin a retrospective of our work. This will include our short films, music videos, commercials, documentaries and much more…   I still don’t understand why this short of...

What’s Next for Running Wild Films?

Blog written by Holly Foreman Not the type to rest on its laurels, Running Wild Films is off and, well … running… again. While founder Travis Mills is on the road showing the Best of the F2 Films / 52 Weeks projects, other members of Running Wild are also keeping...

Inside Look: Two Hearts That Beat as One

Short number 20 is adapted from Frank Norris’ Two Hearts that Beat as One. The original short story is about two men who fall in love with a woman, fight each other for her affections, and she turns out to be a man in disguise. Travis Mills’s adaptation is quite...